Project Outputs


Main outputs

Explore the EmpoweringEFT@EU project's pivotal contributions to Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) training, supervision, and practice


The EmpoweringEFT@EU project aims to facilitate the training and supervision of Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT), thereby further facilitating the dissemination of this evidence-based, humanistic and experiential psychotherapy modality.

EFT is an innovative and effective therapeutic intervention with solid scientific evidence for its efficacy as a treatment for a wide range of emotional disorders, many of which share common psychopathological characteristics, etiology and maintenance mechanisms. In parallel with targeting change at the level of clinical symptoms, EFT also promotes the transformation of deep, maladaptive emotional processes. Besides wide empirical evidence for the effectiveness and efficacy of this treatment for several emotional disorders (such as depression, anxiety difficulties, and interpersonal trauma among others), EFT has also gathered strong empirical evidence from psychotherapy process research at the biological, psychological and clinical levels.

This strategic partnership will develop training opportunities and didactic resources to support good practice in EFT training and clinical supervision. It will develop a digital platform in four European languages to further disseminate and empower EFT practice, supervision and training across different European countries, and prepare the ground for collecting transnational data on EFT practice.

It will also facilitate the creation of local networks of EFT trainers and EFT supervisors who will become agents for the dissemination of good practice internationally, with a particular focus on partner countries and especially Portugal and Spain.

Appendix. Therapist Competencies for Emotion Focused Therapy Practice

The Appendix - Therapist Competencies for Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) Practice was developed as a starting point to the remaining documents, as EFT Training and EFT Supervision aim to build therapist competencies for excellence in EFT practice.

IO1. A Framework of Competencies for Emotion-Focused Therapy Training (and proposal of a workshop for Training EFT Trainers) 

IO1 establishes a framework of competencies for training in the modality of EFT and addresses principles for preparing and delivering effective and engaging trainings, namely in the didactic segments on EFT theory and skills practice, among other aspects. The appendix of this document proposes a course for Training EFT Trainers, which was implemented in a pilot workshop (held in Dublin, in May 2022).

IO2. EFT Supervisor Competency Framework (and proposal of a workshop for Training EFT Supervisors) 

IO2 establishes a framework of competencies for clinical supervision in the modality of EFT (Emotion Focused Therapy) and addresses principles for preparing and delivering clinical supervision in this modality, aiming to foster therapist competencies for the practice of EFT (therefore, it is to be read in conjunction with the Appendix - Therapist Competencies for Emotion Focused Therapy Practice, above). The appendix of this document proposes a course for Training EFT Supervisors, which was implemented in a pilot workshop (held in Munich, in July 2022).

IO3. Digital platform to support practice, training and clinical supervision in EFT 

IO3 is a digital platform established for this project, featuring content and resources in four languages: English, German, Portuguese, and Spanish. It is designed for potential psychotherapy clients interested in learning more about this type of treatment, as well as for psychotherapists, EFT trainers, and EFT supervisors. The platform includes tools to collect and monitor routine EFT practice and supervision, offering measures in all four languages. One key feature of the platform is its ability to provide immediate feedback to EFT therapists regarding the clinical outcomes of their clients and to enable supervisors to receive feedback on the supervision process. If you are an EFT practitioner eager to join this evolving research practice community, you can register here. Should your practice be based in a country not directly involved in this project, please contact us at

IO4. Good Practice Guide for EFT Training 

Deriving from the local piloting experiences developed in the second year of this project and supported by the evidence and knowledge gathered from EFT training, a Good Practice Guide for EFT Training was developed. It adopts a “hands-on” approach to provide useful information and recommendations for preparing, conducting and delivering effective and engaging EFT trainings, drawing upon the feedback gathered from EFT Expert Trainers and EFT trainees.

IO5. Good Practice Guide for EFT Supervision 

Based on the experiences of clinical supervision implemented throughout the second year, and supported by the knowledge gathered by the team on EFT supervision supervision literature and research, EFT, we developed a Good Practice Guide for EFT Supervision. It adopts a “hands-on” approach to provide useful information and recommendations for preparing, conducting and delivering effective and ethical supervision in EFT, building therapist competency for excellence in EFT practice.

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